Drug and Alcohol Awareness

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College is generally a time in life of newfound independence and freedom from parental supervision. One major decision many students are faced with is the choice to experiment with alcohol and other drugs due to curiosity, perceived behaviors of their peers and additional influences within their campus-community.

This site is dedicated to resources and materials to increase the knowledge of substance abuse, misuse, and high risk drinking among college faculty or staff.

WTC is committed to promoting healthy decision-making for all of its students, faculty, and staff.

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Drug And Alcohol Trivia!

Are you familiar with the Drug and Alcohol Policy in the United States? It is effortless for people to use drugs in a way they were not intended to. This is why there are guidelines on controlling the availability, use, and exposure to dangerous drugs. Do you think you know what is expected of you regarding drug tests and the dangers if taking illegal drugs? Do take up this quiz and see how well you understand some of the policies.

Stigma of Addiction

There is a stigma which many assign to drug addicts, even long after they have overcome their addiction. Tony discusses how his first time smoking marijuana led to his eventual drug addiction, homelessness, prison, and finally redemption. Click below to view inspiring this TED Talk.

How Drug and Alcohol Abuse Affect the Brain

The brain's ability to process information, emotions and actions is adversely affected by heavy drug and alcohol abuse.

Please confirm that you have participated, reviewed, and received the updated 2023-2024 Drug and Alcohol Handbook the above activities regarding the dangers of Drugs and Alcohol.

Williams Technical College’s Drug and Alcohol Handbook book can be found here